Overview of Amazon Web Services

AWS General Reference

AWS General Reference

AWS products and services

AWS technology consists of a series of interrelated products or services whose release frecuency varies among services. AWS has significantly increase the number of services and features released during the last years as you can see in figure fig-innovation. You can read Release Notes to have a summary of all new features, resolved issues, and known issues in the latest versions of AWS products and services.

Number of services and features released during the last years
Get available partitions
 >>> import boto3
 >>> session = boto3.Session()
 >>> session.get_available_partitions()
 [u'aws', u'aws-cn', u'aws-us-gov', u'aws-iso', u'aws-iso-b']
Get available regions
 >>> session.get_available_regions('ec2')
 [u'ap-east-1', u'ap-northeast-1', u'ap-northeast-2', u'ap-south-1', u'ap-southeast-1', u'ap-southeast-2', u'ca-central-1', u'eu-central-1', u'eu-north-1', u'eu-west-1', u'eu-west-2', u'eu-west-3', u'me-south-1', u'sa-east-1', u'us-east-1', u'us-east-2', u'us-west-1', u'us-west-2']
Get available resources
 >>> session.get_available_resources()
 ['cloudformation', 'cloudwatch', 'dynamodb', 'ec2', 'glacier', 'iam', 'opsworks', 's3', 'sns', 'sqs']

Region Table